Best Way to Clean Shoes in Washing Machine: Pro Tips!

To clean shoes in a washing machine, start by giving them a good scrub, then load the machine and add mild detergent. Set the machine to a cold wash and low spin speed, and once done, dry the shoes outside ideally.

Cleaning shoes in a washing machine is a convenient and effective way to refresh your footwear. It saves time and effort compared to hand washing, and it can remove tough stains and odors more effectively. Additionally, using a washing machine ensures a thorough and consistent clean for your shoes, helping to maintain their quality and extend their lifespan.

However, it’s important to note that not all types of shoes are suitable for machine washing, so always check the care label and material before proceeding.

Best Way to Clean Shoes in Washing Machine: Pro Tips!


Pre-wash Preparations

To clean shoes in a washing machine, it is important to prepare them properly beforehand. Give them a good scrub and remove any excess dirt or debris. Place them in a mesh bag or pillowcase and add a small amount of mild liquid detergent or washing powder.

Wash on a cold cycle with a low spin speed and dry them outside once finished.

Remove Laces And Insoles

Before tossing your shoes in the washing machine, remove the laces and insoles.

This step ensures all parts of the shoe get properly cleaned and prevents tangling.

Brush Off Loose Dirt

Brush off any loose dirt or debris from the shoes before washing them.

Using a soft-bristled brush helps prepare the shoes for a thorough clean in the machine.

Choosing The Right Detergent

When it comes to Choosing the Right Detergent for cleaning your shoes in the washing machine, it is important to select the appropriate product to ensure effective cleaning without damaging your footwear.

Mild Liquid Detergents

  • Opt for a mild liquid detergent to prevent harsh chemicals from affecting the material of your shoes.
  • These detergents are gentle on fabrics and provide a thorough cleaning without causing damage.
  • Check the label to ensure the detergent is suitable for the type of shoes you are washing.

Natural Cleaning Alternatives

  • Consider natural alternatives like vinegar or baking soda for a chemical-free cleaning option.
  • Vinegar helps eliminate odors and disinfects, while baking soda is effective at removing stains and dirt.
  • Ensure you follow proper dilution ratios and guidelines when using these natural cleaners.

Protecting Your Shoes And Washer

When cleaning your shoes in the washing machine, it’s important to protect both your shoes and the washer itself. Taking steps to safeguard your shoes and appliance can help ensure a successful cleaning process without any damage.

Using A Laundry Bag Or Pillowcase

Place your shoes inside a laundry bag or pillowcase before putting them in the washing machine. This will prevent them from getting tossed around and potentially damaged during the wash cycle. If you don’t have a laundry bag, an empty pillowcase can serve as a suitable alternative.

Balancing The Load With Towels

To protect your washing machine, it’s essential to balance the load by adding towels. These towels act as a buffer, reducing the impact of the shoes against the drum during the wash. This not only helps protect your shoes but also prevents any damage to the washing machine.

Best Way to Clean Shoes in Washing Machine: Pro Tips!


Setting The Washing Machine

When it comes to cleaning your shoes in the washing machine, selecting the right settings is crucial to ensure that your shoes are effectively cleaned without causing any damage. Here’s a look at the key settings you should consider when cleaning your shoes in the washing machine.

Selecting Cold Wash And Low Spin

Choosing a cold wash cycle is essential when cleaning shoes in the washing machine. Cold water helps to prevent the colors from running and minimizes the risk of shrinking or damaging delicate materials. Additionally, opting for a low spin speed is important to prevent excessive agitation that could potentially damage the shoes or cause the soles to become misshapen.

Avoiding Hot Water And High Spin

Avoid using hot water when washing your shoes in the machine, as it can cause certain materials to shrink, warp, or become misshapen. Similarly, opting for a low spin speed is important to prevent excessive agitation that could potentially damage the shoes or cause the soles to become misshapen.

The Washing Process

To clean shoes in the washing machine, start by giving them a good scrub, then load them with mild detergent. Run a cold wash with low spin, and dry the shoes outside for best results. Remember to remove laces and insoles before washing.

Placing Shoes In The Machine

Before placing your shoes in the washing machine, ensure they are free from any excess dirt or debris. To prevent damage to the shoes or the washing machine, it’s important to remove any detachable components such as insoles, laces, or inserts. Place the shoes in a mesh laundry bag to minimize agitation and protect the shoes during the washing cycle.

Adding Detergent And Vinegar

When washing shoes in the machine, it’s important to use a mild liquid detergent or washing powder. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals as they can damage the materials of the shoes. Additionally, adding a small amount of vinegar to the wash can help eliminate odors and disinfect the shoes. Ensure the detergent and vinegar are added to the washing machine before starting the cycle.

Best Way to Clean Shoes in Washing Machine: Pro Tips!


Post-wash Care

After washing your shoes in the machine, it’s crucial to give them proper post-wash care. Remove any excess water and stuff them with paper to maintain their shape. Air dry them away from direct heat to avoid damaging the fabric or material.

This will ensure your shoes remain clean and in good condition for longer.

Proper Drying Techniques

After washing your shoes in the washing machine, proper drying techniques are crucial to ensure they maintain their shape and integrity. Here are some tips for effectively drying your shoes:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause discoloration and damage to certain materials.
  • Stuff your shoes with paper towels or a soft cloth to help them retain their shape and absorb excess moisture.
  • Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can warp, shrink, or damage the materials of your shoes.
  • Place your shoes in a well-ventilated area with good air circulation to aid in the drying process.
  • Regularly check the drying progress and replace the stuffing or towels as needed.

Avoiding The Dryer

Using a dryer to dry your shoes after washing is not recommended, as the high heat can be detrimental to the materials and structure of the shoes. Instead, opt for air-drying methods to preserve the quality of your footwear. Here’s why you should avoid using a dryer:

  • High heat can cause shrinkage, warping, or damage to the materials of the shoes.
  • The tumbling action in the dryer can misshape the shoes and cause them to lose their form.
  • Dryers can be harsh on delicate materials and may lead to premature deterioration of the shoes.

Potential Risks And Damages

When considering cleaning shoes in a washing machine, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and damages that may occur. Certain materials and construction elements are more prone to damage when exposed to the washing machine’s harsh conditions.

Materials Prone To Damage

Some materials are more vulnerable to damage when washed in a machine. These include:

  • Leather
  • Suede
  • Rubber
  • Vinyl

Glue And Construction Considerations

The construction of shoes, particularly the glue used, is crucial to consider before washing them in a machine. Factors to keep in mind include:

  • Glue may dissolve or weaken in hot water
  • Complex shoe constructions may not withstand the tumbling in the machine

Alternative Cleaning Methods

Discover the best way to clean your shoes by using a washing machine. Safely wash sneakers and tennis shoes made from durable fabrics like canvas and polyester in a cold water cycle with mild detergent. Always remove laces and insoles, and place the shoes in a closed mesh bag to protect them and the washing machine.

Alternative Cleaning Methods Hand Washing Techniques When it comes to delicate shoes, such as leather or suede, hand washing is the safest method. Begin by creating a solution of warm water and a gentle detergent. Gently scrub the shoes with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse thoroughly and air dry. Spot Cleaning for Sensitive Materials For sensitive materials like satin or velvet, spot cleaning is ideal. Use a mild soap and water solution on a soft cloth to gently dab at the stain. Avoid rubbing, as this can damage the fabric. Allow the shoes to air dry completely. Remember to always check the manufacturer’s instructions before attempting to clean your shoes, and when in doubt, seek professional cleaning services for valuable or delicate footwear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Wash Shoes In A Washing Machine?

Yes, shoes made from canvas, nylon, cotton, and polyester can be washed in a washing machine.

What Is The Best Thing To Wash Shoes With?

The best thing to wash shoes with is warm water mixed with a small amount of mild laundry detergent or dish soap. For white and light-colored shoes, a cleaning paste made from equal parts baking soda and water can also be effective.

Shoes made from leather, suede, rubber, and vinyl should not be washed in the washing machine. It is recommended to use a closed mesh bag and wash shoes in a gentle, cold water cycle with a slow or no-spin setting.

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine Without Mesh Bag?

To wash shoes in the washing machine without a mesh bag, use an empty pillowcase to contain them. Include towels in the load to reduce noise and prevent the shoes from banging against the drum.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Washing Shoes In The Washing Machine?

Washing shoes in the machine can damage materials, dissolve glue, and prolong drying time. Certain shoe types are not suitable for machine washing.


To wrap up, cleaning shoes in a washing machine is a convenient and effective method. Remember to use a gentle cycle, mild detergent, and remove delicate materials. Following these steps will keep your shoes clean and fresh without causing damage.

Keep your kicks looking new!

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